期刊名:Nature Chemistry
题目:Beyond Hofmeister
作者:Pavel Jungwirth;Paul S. Cremer
摘要:Last year saw the 125th anniversary of the publication by Franz Hofmeister from the German University in Prague of a seminal paper1 entitled 'Concerning regularities in the protein-precipitating effects of salts and the relationship of these effects to the physiological behaviour of salts'. This was the second and arguably most important article in a series of seven papers with the running title 'Lessons on the effects of salts' published between 1887 and 1898. This particular article presented a set of experiments ordering various salts according to their ability to precipitate egg-white proteins from aqueous solutions. By using salts with a common cation or anion, Hofmeister ingeniously separated cationic and anionic effects, thereby establishing what later became known as the lyotropic or Hofmeister series for ions. The original anionic series is cast in bronze on the building where Hofmeister carried out his experiments (Fig. 1).